Diario del guarda del refugio de montaña

Diario del guarda del refugio de montaña

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Diario del guarda del refugio de montaña

Diario del guarda del refugio de montaña

Mountain hut caretaker’s diary

Dear Visitor,

Greetings from the picturesque Vršič mountain pass, home to Erjavčeva Mountain Hut!

We hope you find this message a source of joy and inspiration for new adventures. As caretakers of Erjavčeva Mountain Hut, nestled amidst the magnificent mountains of Vršič, we have embarked on a journey that we are excited to share with you.

In the winter, amidst the serene silence of this untouched wilderness, the whispers of ancient pines, and the gentle embrace of mountain winds, we were inspired to capture the essence of our experiences in these writings as a diary. We extend to you an exclusive invitation to join us in unravelling the stories woven within the pages of the “Mountain Hut Caretaker’s Diary.”

Through the passing of seasons, we have witnessed nature’s dance in its purest form – from the delicate blossoming of alpine flowers in spring to the solemn embrace of winter’s tranquillity. Each day brings its tale, its magic, and its lessons. We also cherish the stories and adventures of our visitors worldwide, for they enrich our experiences.

Within the pages of our diary, you will find reflections on the beauty of the natural world, encounters with fellow travellers seeking solace amidst these ancient mountains, and the timeless wisdom passed down through generations of caretakers who have called this place home. Life in the mountains is more straightforward, reflected in our thoughts and writings. We speak honestly and directly, knowing and respecting the diversity of opinions.

Through the words written on these pages, we aim to take our readers into the heart of our mountain sanctuary, inviting you to witness the miracles unfolding beneath the vast blue skies and towering peaks.
Join us as we embark on a journey of discovery, exploration, and contemplation. We would be honoured if “The Mountain Hut Caretaker’s Diary” became your companion as we navigate our allotted time among this beautiful nature and the world around us.

We eagerly await the opportunity to share our stories with you and embark on this literary journey together. May the pages of our diary serve as reflections, perhaps a beacon of inspiration, guiding you to new horizons and awakening the traveller within you.

We are already writing new material, and we will publish it shortly.
Till then, enjoy your time and your life.

Con respeto y mis mejores deseos,

Cuidador del refugio de Erjavčeva


Diario del guarda del refugio de montaña

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